lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

Vidio+ Reviews

Dori The Movie Runner: I liked this video, it´s very creative but they missed the subtitles and that could really help because I couldn´t hear all of what they said. I understood most of the scenes.

I´m Getting Married: This video it´s good, I liked the coreography and the music but I think they could put a littlemore dialogues and subtitles in it, but their speaking was clear so I could understand.

Academic Deshonesty: I likes this video because it´s simply and easy to understand, voices were very clear.

The Cookie´s School Tips Guide: I liked this video, It has some scenes changes that avoid it to look repetitive. I can say it looks dynamic.

Sudden Change: It has an iteresting story and dialogues were clear most of the time. I didn´t like the end becuase I felt like it was very abrupt.

domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013

Travelling the world in your 20´s

We all have dreams; some people are always thinking about what they´re going to do in the future, about being independent and pursuing their dreams. Maybe your dream is to be a doctor, to have a family, but sometimes you dream about exploring your world. It´s kind of a very important decision, today most of the people travel around the world when they are in their 20s, it has a lot of pros but also a lot of cons.

First of all, having an idea of how people act and think in different places can help you to expand your mind. Also, you enjoy multiple experiences and you have a feeling of independence. This can also help you to mature. When you grow up you´ll have good memories of the places you visited and the people you met and to be sure you will have learned a lot of things about life, maybe not on your own skin but through other people.

Not everything can be good; there can be some problems during your journey. As many good things can happen, bad things can happen too. For example, you could be robbed. If this happens, you could lose some money or you could even lose your passport or some very expensive things. Being alone in another country can be scary. If you have problems maybe, you won’t have someone to rely on.

In fact, travelling around the world is a very great experience at any age, but when you are still looking for who you are; it becomes one of the most important memories in life. Certainly it will have a lot of problems and lot of people will be against “losing time of your life travelling”, but you won´t lose time, you´ll gain life experiences.

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Mark Twain

"When I was fourteen years old,I was amazed at how unintelligent my father was. By the time I turned twenty-one, I was astounded by how much he had learned in the last seven years."

Mark Twain 1835-1910

When he was growing up, when he was young he felt like he knew everyone, that he needed any advice and that no one could understan him. These are some thoughts that we often have when we are growin up and while we are young this is an important idea.

After we grow up we realize of how our parents were telling what was best for us and we realize that they were wise while we were inmature and tryinf to find ourselves. Twain´s father didn´t learn anything, he just realized of how intelligent and wise his father really was.

miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013

Kinds of love

Love is...? I´m still not sure what is love, but I certainly know that they´re different kinds of love, some of them are:

  • Family love: Is the kind of love that you feel for your family and that mantains attached and interested in your family.
  • Friendship love: The kind of love that you feel for your friends and makes you to appreciate them.
  • Pet love: That special feeling for your pet, when just the simple fact of knowing that they love you inconditionally makes you to love them.
  • Food love: What can I say, maybe the universal love, food love.

I have experimented pet love, family love and food love, and I really love my family and my pet. I also love my friends, they´re pretty special to me and my best friend is like my sister, I can say I love her. Maybe those aren´t the deepest kinds of love, but I think everything comes when it has to come.

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013


To know how to make questions is pretty important because when we need to know something about a situation, a person, etc., we must know how we should ask without being rude. Using prepositions always helps when we are making a question, and we can also make direct and implicit questions.

viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2013

The best "working mood"

The multidisciplinary proyect is due next friday. I still have a lot to do. Maybe this image describes what is going to happen next thursday.


For today´s homework we had to show the teacher a comic, including voice and images, so I decided to take some pictures and the I edited the images, making them appear like a comic. Including the voice was more difficult, after I finally figured out how to include sound,I recorded my voice and I included that in a power point presentation.

lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013

An informal and a formal letter

A formal letter is a lot different from an informal one. With the informal letter we can write about anything, we don´t need to choose an specific topic, we are just writing to someone thatt we trust. In the formal letter things are a lot different, we are usually requering something, like a job, or making a petition so we need to use a formal leanguage and an specific formst.

jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013

Why a resume and a cover letter are necessary?

In my opinion, a cover letter gives a little introduction of your personality to the company that could hire you. This kind of letter is essential to give a very first good impresion. A resume can give a most specific view of what you are capable of, but a cover letter would introduct to these and would make easier to understand the reasons why you are applying for one job.

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013

A Video for English

Making this video was a lot more difficult that I first thought, first I had to write what I was going to tell about my mom then I had to select the images that I was going to put there. Recording the voice for my video was another big problem, I didn´t even knew how to make a video, but after some time searching I discovered that I could make a video on Power Point. 
Finally I finished my video and I was very pleased of what came off, because it´s the first video that I have ever make. 

lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013

My Portfolio

It must be in Power Point.
I need to introduce myself, then tell something about me and my interaction with the portfolio, table of contents, partials.

We are going to work on our portfolios and after each work we need to make a reflection after each work.

On each partial we should pick three topics.
I can´t find my English Workbook, the libraries doesn´t have it, I´m as surprised as this cat.

Welcome to my blog. This blog is an academical blog, but I´ll also post some about books,movies or post short stories. Sometimes you´ll be able to see some funny images or some jokes, but most of the content will be academical content.

jueves, 15 de agosto de 2013

Today I forgot to buy my English workbook, but it wasn´t my fault because the library didn´t have it anymore. I had to take pictures from the book so I could realize my job (actually it wasn´t me who took the picture).